Battery hens live for about one year, then they have laid approximately 300 eggs and the only purpose left for them is to serve in the chicken soup. Fattening chicks live for about 6 weeks, then they are slaughtered. In this short period of time they grow extremely fast from chick to half grown chicken on behalf of special food. Would they live any longer under these circumstances, they would grow way too heavy and literally grow to death.

When they have to be transported to the slaughterhouse they are violently pressed in crates, with a big chance of wing and foot fractures. Under these stressful circumstances they are transported on (half-open) trucks to the slaughterhouse. To prevent the chickens from getting more fractures and bleedings, many poultry slaughterhouses use a lower electric voltage for stunning the chicks than is legally compelled. The meat of these chicks is sold as chicken meat, which stands for deception and cruelty.

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